Simposio, Diplomado, Congreso.

La Facultad de Ciencias (FC) y el Herbario BCMEX de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC), los invitan al "XIII Simposio binacional de Botánica de Baja California y áreas adyacentes", el 15 y 16 de diciembre del 2016, en sala audiovisual "A" de la FC-UABC unidad académica Punta Morro (Km. 106 Carr. Tijuana-Ensenada), en Ensenada (Baja California).
Pida informes a:
José Delgadillo (

Pro Natura Veracruz, A.C., el Instituto de Ecología, A.C., y Natureserve, los invitan a la VII edición del diplomado online-presencial "Restauración ecológica del bosque de niebla", del 21 de marzo al 21 de julio del 2017 (200 horas). Cupo limitado a 35 alumnos.
Vea los detalles en:

La Asociacion Mexicana de Microbiologia, A.C. (AMM), los invita al "XL Congreso Nacional de Microbiología", del 02 al 05 de abril del 2017, en Hotel Fiesta Americana (Av. Aurelio Aceves No. 225, Col. Vallarta Poniente) de Guadalajara (Jalisco).
Pida informes a:
Alfredo Herrera (
Vean los detalles en:

AquaFarm, the new conference and exhibition event dedicated to the technologies, products and best practices of sustainable production of fish, will be held on 26 and 27 January 2017 at the Exhibition Center of Pordenone.
The event, organized by Pordenone Fiere with the support of local institutions, is aimed at a professional audience, and over two days it will present issues in Mediterranean aquaculture and sustainable fisheries, algae cultivation and vegetable crops that rely on hydroponic, aeroponic and aquaponic techniques, known as indoor & vertical farming systems.
The Event is addressed to the sector operators in the Mediterranean Sea Basin: from Slovenia, Croatia, Albania, Balkan Area to Malta, Turkey, Spain and Portugal.
The event will discuss a number of topical themes including the instruments that Europe offers in order to ensure food and active ingredients for the health and well-being of the population in an environmentally friendly manner even in the face of higher living standards.
Pordenone and its Exhibition Center are situated near Venice, in a strategic position in a highly connected basin that includes Italian, Austrian and Slovenian regions in the Northern Adriatic Sea and Eastern Alps.


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la ciencia que estudia a los crustáceos se la conoce como carcinología.

Coloquio, dia, etc.

El delfín pío o tonina overa (Cephalorhynchus commersonii), también llamado delfín de Commerson es una especie de cetáceo odontoceto de la familia Delphinidae que habita en aguas del Hemisferio Sur.